Lady Gagahas postponed her world tour’s European leg until next year because of ongoing health problems, the tour’s promoter said Monday. The six-week part of theJoanne World Tourwas set to kick off in Barcelona on Sept. 21 and end on Oct. 28 in Germany. Lady Gaga was also due to...
Lady GaGa’s dramatic weight loss has been put down to a dangerous baby food diet, causing friends to fear for her health, reports say. The skinny singer has allegedly been living off baby food, which is not giving her enough energy to sustain gruelling performances. A friend of the ...
Lady Gagahas put her recent health problems behind her, judging by a pair of cheeky beach photos she posted on social media. With herJoanne World Tourpausing in Miami this week, Mother Monster took the opportunity to hit the beach. The sky appeared overcast though that didn’t stop Gaga wa...
Gaga also said that failure or the fear of it should not be an obstacle for creators:"When that makes its way into your life, it can be difficult to control. It's part of the chaos." Bruce Willis, the iconic star ofDie Hardand numerous other beloved films, is reportedly in rough sh...
在特朗普当选美国总统的次日,娱乐圈内就掀起了一场轩然大波。Lady Gaga,这位以才华和个性著称的女歌手,意外地成为了这场风暴的中心。据爆料,她曾去过一个名为“萝莉岛”的神秘之地,这一消息如同晴天霹雳,瞬间在粉丝和网友中炸开了锅。 与此同时,网络上还流传出一系列令人瞠目结舌的照片,照片中的Lady Gaga与拜...
With the addition of her innovative creativity to her musical skill set, Gaga forged the perfect formula to become one of the biggest stars of her generation. Lady Gaga created music under the pen name — a reference to Queen's hit "Radio Ga Ga" — years before she finally caught...
Shehas appeared inPrince Harry's Apple TV+ seriesThe Me You Can't See, which launched on the platform on Friday and features celebrities discussing their mental health battles. Gaga told the show she used to self-harm, and that when she was 19, a pr...
阿尔塔虽然追星Lady Gaga,但毕竟人家也是法国总理,Gaga对这个高级迷弟也很尊重,她还亲切地跟阿尔塔介绍自己的另一半,还是以“未婚夫”来称呼对方,从而爆出两人已秘密订婚的消息。 法国总理阿塔尔在个人社交平台公开与Lady Gaga见面的视频,他留言多谢Gaga在奥运开幕式上精彩的演出。其实Gaga早在今年4月,就被外媒拍到左手...
Lady Gaga Addresses Kindness + Mental Health In New Film: Look + Listen Brad LeBeau Audio November 13, 2021In a new short film, The Power of Kindness, Lady Gaga discusses kindness, mental health and the journey to self-acceptance with a group of young people.Spearheaded...
Lady Gaga: Yes, it can make a huge difference. I feel like we are not hiding anymore. We're starting to talk. And that's what wee need to do really. Prince William: Absolutely, it's time that everyone speaks up, and really it feels very normal about mental health, it's the same...