无论是哪一面的Gaga,你可能都不会把她和抑郁&自杀联系在一起。 但是,就在前天CBS一档早间节目中,Gaga谈及自己患有心理问题的经历,并自爆曾经有过自杀的想法(she revealed her suicidal thoughts)。 她说: "It’s not always easy, if you...
Gaga in 2012 created the Born this Way Foundation for people struggling with mental health issues. She said the process of healing was slow. "Even if I have six brilliant months, all it takes is getting triggered once to feel bad," she said. (Reporting by Jill Serjeant...
Lady GaGa’s dramatic weight loss has been put down to a dangerous baby food diet, causing friends to fear for her health, reports say. The skinny singer has allegedly been living off baby food, which is not giving her enough energy to sustain gruelling performances. A friend of the ...
“I have struggled for a long time, both being public and not public about my mental health issues or my mental illness. But I truly believe that secrets keep you sick,” Gaga admitted, continuing to talk about the foundation. “We bring people together to have real, honest conversations ...
After speaking at the 84th annual Conference of Mayors in Indianapolis on Sunday, Lady Gaga and the Dalai Lama sat down for a 20-minute-long Facebook Live chat to discuss issues of mental and emotional health and the world's ills.
With the addition of her innovative creativity to her musical skill set, Gaga forged the perfect formula to become one of the biggest stars of her generation. Lady Gaga created music under the pen name — a reference to Queen's hit "Radio Ga Ga" — years before she finally caught...
在特朗普当选美国总统的次日,娱乐圈内就掀起了一场轩然大波。Lady Gaga,这位以才华和个性著称的女歌手,意外地成为了这场风暴的中心。据爆料,她曾去过一个名为“萝莉岛”的神秘之地,这一消息如同晴天霹雳,瞬间在粉丝和网友中炸开了锅。 与此同时,网络上还流传出一系列令人瞠目结舌的照片,照片中的Lady Gaga与拜...
The author ponders on various issues related to health and medical care. He cites the people who were included in "Time" magazine's 100 most influential people because of their impact of health, such as Atul Gawande, Larry Kwak and Matt Berg. He recalls his first contact with professor ...
Shehas appeared inPrince Harry's Apple TV+ seriesThe Me You Can't See, which launched on the platform on Friday and features celebrities discussing their mental health battles. Gaga told the show she used to self-harm, and that when she was 19, a pr...
Gaga did a meditation exercise with the young people to show them how she deals with stress. “Meditation helps me to calm down,” she told the group during her visit. “I don’t have the same kinds of issues that you have, but I have a mental illness and I struggle with that men...