the Lady Bird deed cost will be much less than the cost of having a revocable trust created. If you have a significant amount of property of any type in addition to your primary home, a revocable trust may be a better way to go. ...
So if you were to move the home into the castle trust and then sell the property, the proceeds of the sale would be protected. That’s something that’s a little bit different than with the lady bird deed. With a lady bird deed, the home needs to remain in th...
Key Term: Lady Bird Deed.The termlady bird deedcomes from a fact pattern used by Florida attorney Jerome Ira Solkoff in his teaching materials. Solkoff used fictional characters to illustrate the use of this type of deed. One character was former United States President Lyndon Johnson’s wife...
What Is a Lady Bird Deed and Should Retiree Get One?
Lady Bird Deed vs. Quitclaim Deed Alternatives to Lady Bird Deeds: Pros and Cons Common Misconceptions About Lady Bird Deeds How to Apply a Lady Bird Deed in Estate Planning: Its Role and Legal Implications Key Elements of a Lady Bird Deed ...
A Lady Bird Deed is a great tool to avoid probate and avoid estate recover/Medicaid Spend-down in Michigan as long as your plan on keeping the home a home. If you are looking to sell the home while alive, then maybe you should consider a Castle Trust™....