Gaya Jeans Model Boot Cut Atribut lainnya Tempat asal Zhejiang, China Jenis kain Denim Fitur Dapat bernapas Jenis supply OEM service Metode pencetakan Discharge Printing Bahan Poliester Katun Teknik Bordir Cuci Lainnya Gaya Vintage 7 Hari Pesanan Sampel Memimpin Waktu Dukungan Logo/pola Bordir P...
I think there’s a reason why Sunday has always been declared as a ‘day of rest’. We’re like any other processed-orientated being. Unless we use our down time to re-fuel, re-boot or re-whatever-the-hell-you-want-to we just can’t sustain our focus, speed or efficiency that ou...
Sienna Miller's 'I put my ankle straps on the outside of my jeans' trend (you'll be seeing more of this. I know, I'm sorry) and Fergie's fab Mary-Janes, which, as Shoewawa fan Marc pointed out to me in a very sweet email,she obviously read about on this site*. All in all...