Watch select videos from our industry-leading ladder safety training course.C.L.I.M.B. Academy Lesson – Choose the correct ladderC.L.I.M.B. Academy Lesson 2: Rolling Warehouse LaddersC.L.I.M.B. Academy Lesson 3: ScaffoldsC.L.I.M.B. Academy Lesson 4 – Aluminum Walk BoardsDOWNLOAD...
Ladder Safety Training Courses This safe system of work has been accepted by the HSE as the 'Minimum Legally Compliant Standard for the use of fall arrest systems with portable leaning ladders during the installation of satellite dishes and aerials on domestic premises', and can be adopted by a...
safety training is one of the courses we recommend all clients add to their employee training,” said Velazquez. More than 300 organizations have incorporated the course into their regular employee training, and more than 10,000 people have taken at least one ladder safety training course from ...
Low cost, computer based, comprehensive pilot ladder training. Our 5 star rated courses cover every aspect of SOLAS and ISO799. Start your course today.
New online course for Ladder Safety - now available from...Kirk Berry
Watch these safety videos to learn the right and wrong ways to use a ladder and prevent injuries.
Use these interactive ladder safety instructions to learn the right and wrong ways to use a ladder and prevent injuries.
FallLadderSafety FallProtectionandLadderSafetyTraining CourseOutline IntroductionFallProtectionLadderSafetyWrap-up Introduction Over40,000deathsanddisablinginjuriesresultfromfallseveryyearworldwide Fallsarethenumberonecauseoffatalitiesintheconstructionindustryaccountingforapproximately33%ofallfatalities Introduction Course...
Of course, before you begin training employees on how to set up and use a ladder safely, make sure the ladder that you are using is rated high enough to support their weight, it in good repair and has been properly maintained. Set Up Ladders for Safety Generally speaking, setting up a ...
Home Training EUSR CoursesEUSR Ladder & Stepladder User Half Day The course is intended to help operatives, supervisors, managers, and safety practitioners assess and determine when it is appropriate to select ladders & stepladders for specific tasks. Once this equipment is determined to be the...