Studyladder has successfully taken part in the National Education Risk Assessment. The assessment measured technical and business processes regarding data security and privacy. Processes to notify authorities and data subjects in the event of a data breach Policies to ensure that users affected are info...
Generally, the consideration of whether an entity is a VIE applies when either: (1) the equity investors (if any) lack one or more of the essential characteristics of a controlling financial interest; (2) the equity investment at risk is insufficient to finance that entity’s activities ...
Feldan 1Kb Plus DNA Ladder 产品说明书 1Kb Plus DNA Ladder Page 1 of 3 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Version V12A20c Revision Date 16.03.2012 Section 1 - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: 1Kb Plus DNA Ladder Product Number: 9K-004-0001 Company: Feldan Telephone: 877...
(DepartmentofRiskManagementandInsurance,SchoolofEconomics NankaiUniversity,Tianjin300071,China) Abstract:Thechainladdermethodandotherdeterministicmethodsarecommonlyusedinoutstanding claimsreservinginactuarialpractice.Theseassessmentmethodshavesomeshortcomings.Ontheone ...