Coronary calcificationIntravascular lithotripsyLeft main diseaseMultivessel PCIDifficult wiringCalcific left main disease poses a tricky situation for various atherectomy devices including rota-ablation, orbital and directional atherectomy. However, with the advent of intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) in the ...
However, passing devices were not able to pass through the entry of the distal LAD-CTO because of heavy calcification. After that, various bail-out procedural step were attempted; drilling by Tornus microcathter, buddy wire technique by the Conquest pro., cracking technique by the Miracle12g, ...
CORONARYarteryINTRAVASCULARultrasoundCORONARYANGIOGRAPHYBackground The 5-year cardiac mortality rate has been reported to be more than 50% in patients with left main coronary artery (LMCA) stenosis. The purpose of this study was to visualize the LMCA using intravascular ultrasound in patients who ...
left main coronary artery intravascular ultrasound coronary angiographyBackground The 5-year cardiac mortality rate has been reported to be more than 50% in patients with left main coronary artery (LMCA) stenosis. The purpose of this study was to visualize the LMCA using intravascular ultrasound in...
Coronary arterycomputertomographyshowed middle LADchronic total occlusion Relevant catheterization findings CAD with TVD and LAD-P total occlusion with severe calcification, LCX: patent, RCA –P to –D: instent patent [Interventional Management]