operon n. 相似的一群遗传因子操纵子 lactose n. 乳糖 beta lactose 【医】 β-乳糖 non lactose 非乳糖 最新单词 donkey locomotive的中文翻译及音标 窄轨机车 donkey engine feed pump的中文意思 辅助发动机添水泵 donkey drain pipe是什么意思 副泄水管 donkey crane的中文意思 辅助起重机 donkey chec...
读音:美英 lactose operon基本解释 乳糖操纵子 分词解释 lactose乳糖 operon操纵子 lactose operon是什么意思 lactose operon怎么读 lactose operon在线翻译 lactose operon中文意思 lactose operon的解释 lactose operon的发音 lactose operon意思是什么 lactose operon怎么翻译 lactose operon的中文翻译 lactose operon的意思翻译...
The lactose operon is a set of genes in bacteria, such as E. coli, that are responsible for the uptake and metabolism of lactose. It consists of structural genes like lacZ, lacY, and lacA, which encode specific proteins involved in lactose utilization. ...
LacI | Lactose operon repressor (clone 15C11) 供应商 Agrisera 产品货号 AS16-3144 产品报价 ¥询价/100ug 产品说明书 点击查看 购买方式 银行转账、电汇、支票、现金,在线支付宝及网银支付,或直接与我们电话联系400-6800-868。 产品新闻 背景资料
乳糖操纵子LactoseOperon forgraduatestudents 牛登科生命科学学院 2010年10月 Isthestorycomplete?•ThesetwopagesarecopiedfromthePPTofanAmericanteacher.•Hasyourtextbooktoldyousomethingmore?•Ifno,areyousatisfiedwiththistheory?•Nolactose,nogenestranscribed,noproteins produced,andthennothingtotransportlactoseinto...
乳糖操纵子LactoseOperon forgraduatestudents 牛登科生命科学学院2019年10月 LactoseOperon •Structuralgenes –lacz,lacy,&laca–Promoter–PolycistronicmRNA RegulatoryGeneOperon p •Regulatorygene –Repressor i o z y a DNAm-RNAProtein •Operator•Operon•Inducer-lactose β-GalactosidasePermease Trans...
IN Escherichia coli, protein synthesis is initiated with for-mylmethionine, coded by the triplet AUG. As the first step in translation, ribosomes bind to the AUG initiator codon in the presence of initiation factors, charged fMet-tRNA and GTP. The sequen
乳糖操纵子LactoseOperonforgraduatestudents LactoseOperon •Structuralgenes –lacz,lacy,&laca–Promoter–PolycistronicmRNA •Regulatorygene –Repressor •Operator•Operon•Inducer-lactose RegulatoryGene Operon ipo z y a DNA m-RNAProteinβ-GalactosidasePermeaseTransacetylase LactoseOperon •Inducer--...
释义 lactose[ˈlæktəus]n.1.乳糖lactose operon乳糖操纵子α-monohydrate lactoseα-乳糖一水化物 随便看 平衡台 balancer; 平衡合并 balanced merge; 平衡吊架 balance hanger; 平衡含水率 equilibrium moisture content; 平衡品系 balanced strain; 平衡器 平衡器功能块 equalizer block; 平衡器组 balancer ...