The meaning of LACTOSE is a disaccharide sugar C12H22O11 that is present in milk and yields glucose and galactose upon hydrolysis and yields especially lactic acid upon fermentation. How to use lactose in a sentence.
Discover lactose-free milk, real milk with lactose removed for easy digestion. Enjoy a cold glass of milk without discomfort!
MilkoScanFT+milkanalyser alone can simultaneously measure fat, protein,lactose,solids, urea, freezing point depression,freefatty acids, casein, fatty acids [...] 不胜枚举,例如, MilkoScan FT+ 牛奶分析仪可同时测量牛奶、山羊奶、绵羊奶和水牛奶中的脂肪、蛋白质、乳糖、固形物、尿素、...
2.a white, crystalline, sweet, water-soluble commercial form of this compound obtained from whey and used in infant feedings, in confections and other foods, in bacteriological media, and in pharmacology as a diluent. Also calledmilk sugar. ...
Lactose-free milk is 100% real milk that doesn’t contain lactose, a type of sugar contained in regular milk1. Lactose-free milk, such as LACTAID®, still provides the great taste and benefits of regular milk2. This means you can enjoy your favorite dairy products without upsetting your ...
Lactose is a naturally occurring substance found in milk and milk products. And while the term “lactose-free” is commonly misunderstood as “dairy-free,” the two terms are decidedly different. It’s important to understand the differences, so you can make informed choices for you and your ...
Lactose, carbohydrate containing one molecule of glucose and one of galactose linked together. Composing about 2 to 8 percent of the milk of all mammals, lactose is sometimes called milk sugar. It is the only common sugar of animal origin. Lactose can be
Discover LACTAID® Lactose-Free Whole Milk. It’s real whole milk, just without lactose. Try it today in your favorite recipes, or by the glass with cookies.
It's also gluten-free. This recipe calls for coconut milk instead of cream (coconut milk containsgood fatsthat actually lower your cholesterol), so if you're lactose-intolerant, this is a good dessert choice for you. It also makes an elegant dessert to serve guests or take to a party. ...
The characteristic carbohydrate of milk is lactose (4-0-β-d-galactopyra-nosyl-d-glucopyranose), commonly referred to as “milk sugar.” Practically, the milk of mammals is the sole source of lactose, a belief which is substantially correct, but with recognized exceptions. In addition to the...