Lactobacilli are the predominant microorganisms with the main following strains: Lactobacillus iners, Lactobacillus jensenii, Lactobacillus crispatus, L. gasseri, Lactobacillus vaginalis, and L. salivarius. In addition, occasionally other species coming from the digestive tract are also found, such as ...
jensenii, L. plantarian, and L. salivarius. Failure of antibiotic treatment of endocarditis has been described; and typically is associated with use of single-drug regimens. Cases of Lactobacillus endocarditis have been noted in children.137 Other infections reported in pediatric patients include L....
extraction41,42. Proteins of corresponding molecular weights were detected inL. johnsoniiDSM10533 (42 kDa) andL. gasseriDSM20077 (32 kDa) (Supplementary Fig.3b). However, SLPs or Afp were not detected in any otherL. johnsonii,L. jensenii,L. gasseriorL. inersvaginal isolates (Fig.4aan...
Bacteremia and pyelonephritis caused by Lactobacillus jensenii in a patient with urolithiasis. Bacteremia and Pyelonephritis Caused byLactobacillus jensenii in a Patient with Urolithiasis (J). Chazan,B,Raz,R,Shental,Y,Sprecher,H,Colodner,R. Isr......
atus, L. jensenii, L. gasseri,andL. iners, only the first three were able to inhibit the growth ofE. coli. This observation is consistent with the group's finding thatL. inersis more prevalent in vaginal specimens frompostmenopausal women, who are at a higher risk of symptomaticUTI....
and etiology of UTIs did not vary between the groups. During the intervention, 26% of children taking the probiotic had episodes of UTI, and it was not significantly less than in the placebo group. The number of UTI episodes during the intervention and the follow-up period decreased significan...