读音:美英 lactobacillus casei strain shirota基本解释 干酪乳杆菌代田株;代田菌 分词解释 lactobacillus乳酸菌 strain& vi. 拉紧,拉伤 lactobacillus casei strain shirota是什么意思 lactobacillus casei strain shirota怎么读 lactobacillus casei strain shirota在线翻译 lactobacillus casei strain shirota中文意思 lactobacill...
√使幽门螺杆菌活力丧失 来源于干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus caseistrainShirota)的无细胞废培养上清液在体外表现出对幽门螺杆菌的杀菌活性。约氏乳杆菌(L. johnsoniiNCC533)和嗜酸乳杆菌均导致幽门螺杆菌活力丧失。 此外,来自这三种乳杆菌菌株的培养物上清液导致幽门螺杆菌的形态改变为U形或球形体,这是细菌的休眠形式,而球...
来源于干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus caseistrain Shirota)的无细胞废培养上清液在体外表现出对幽门螺杆菌的杀菌活性。约氏乳杆菌(L. johnsonii NCC533)和嗜酸乳杆菌均导致幽门螺杆菌活力丧失。 此外,来自这三种乳杆菌菌株的培养物上清液导致幽门螺杆菌的形态改变为U形或球形体,这是细菌的休眠形式,而球形体定植和诱导炎症的...
来源于干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus caseistrainShirota)的无细胞废培养上清液在体外表现出对幽门螺杆菌的杀菌活性。约氏乳杆菌(L. johnsoniiNCC533)和嗜酸乳杆菌均导致幽门螺杆菌活力丧失。 此外,来自这三种乳杆菌菌株的培养物上清液导致幽门螺杆菌的形态改变为U形或球形体,这是细菌的休眠形式,而球形体定植和诱导炎症的能力...
1) Lactobacillus casei strain shirota 代田菌2) Loctobacillus casei Shtrain Shirota 乳酸杆菌代田株3) Lactobacillus casei shirota 干酪乳杆菌代田株 1. Comparison of several cryoprotectants used for protection of Lactobacillus casei shirota in freeze-drying; 几种保护剂对干酪乳杆菌代田株保护作用的...
Lactobacillus Acidophilus 雷特氏B菌 Lactobacillus Casei 乾酪乳杆菌 Protease 蛋白酶 ... www.nature-power.tw|基于319个网页 3. 乾酪乳酸菌 代田菌(乾酪乳酸菌代田株,Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota)是乾酪乳酸菌(Lactobacillus casei)的一株,由代田稔培育出 …zh.wikipedia.org|基于53个网页 更多释义...
Immunomodulation by treatment with Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota. Int J Food Microbiol. 1998;41:133–40. : 10.1016/S0168-1605(98)00046-4 .Matsuzaki T (1998) Immunomodulation by treatment with Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota. Int J Food Microbiol 41:133–140...
读音:美英 lactobacillus casei shirota基本解释 干酪乳杆菌代田株 分词解释 lactobacillus乳酸菌 lactobacillus casei shirota是什么意思 lactobacillus casei shirota怎么读 lactobacillus casei shirota在线翻译 lactobacillus casei shirota中文意思 lactobacillus casei shirota的解释 lactobacillus casei shirota的发音 lactobacillus ...
2.1.4 Lactobacillus casei Shirota L. casei strain Shirota (LcS), which is used in the development of fermented probiotic milk drink, is clinically safe for consumption and possess potential health benefits as supported by various experimental studies. LcS has been used in fermented milk products fo...
Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota (LcS) has been shown to have potent anti-tumour and anti-metastatic effects on transplantable tumour cells and to suppress chemically-induced carcinogenesis in rodents. In particular, intrapleural (i.pl.) administration of LcS into tumour-bearing mice has been shown...