lactated ringer solution 读音:美英 lactated ringer solution基本解释 乳酸林格氏液 分词解释 lactated(指哺乳动物)分泌乳汁( lactate的过去式和过去分词 ) ringer套环,投环 solution解决 lactated ringer solution是什么意思 lactated ringer solution怎么读 lactated ringer solution在线翻译 lactated ringer solution中文...
lactated Ringer's solution 英 [lækˈteɪtɪd ˈrɪŋəz səˈluːʃn] 美 [lækˈteɪtɪd ˈrɪŋərz səˈluːʃn]乳酸盐林格氏溶液;乳酸盐...
乳酸林格氏液(Lactated Ringer's solution)是一种等张静脉注射液。兽医使用中也可皮下注射,简称"LR" 或"RL"。|基于43个网页 2. 乳酸林格氏溶液 · 静脉输注乳酸林格氏溶液(Lactated Ringer's Solution),并纪录之。· 病情严重时,依医嘱给予Mannitol或Steroid,以减轻脑 … ...
Ringer's mixture 林格氏合剂,林格氏溶液 Bouin's solution 布安溶液 相似单词 ringer n. 套环,投环,按铃者,敲钟者 solution n.[C] 1.(问题、疑难等的)解决,解答;解决办法;解释 2.【数】解,解法 3.【化】溶液;溶体;溶解(作用);溶解状态 4.橡胶溶液 5.【药】药水,液剂 6.【古】分散;消散; ...
(redirected from lactated Ringer solution)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Encyclopedia. so·lu·tion (sə-lo͞o′shən) n. 1. a. A method or process of dealing with a problem: sought a solution to falling enrollments. b. The answer to a problem or the explanation ...
与"lactated Ringer solution"相近的词条 ... lactated infant lactated Linger solution lactated pepsin Lactated potassic saline lactated potassium saline lactated Ringer solution lactated Ringer's lactated Ringer's injection lactated Ringer's solution、lactated ringers solution lactatede hydrogenase,lactic dedyd...
日本上市药品数据库提供乳酸リンゲル液(ブドウ糖加)的英文名称Lactated Ringer's solution,中文名称乳酸林格氏液,生产企业扶桑薬品工業株式会社的信息,以及乳酸リンゲル液(ブドウ糖加)的IF文件和审评报告书的信息数据查询.
Sodium-free Lactated Buffered Ringer’s Solution(无钠乳酸盐缓冲的林格氏溶液) KL-25-06550 250ml 280元 英文名称:Sodium-free Lactated Buffered Ringer’s Solution 运输:常温 保存:4-25℃ 有效期:2年 货期:1-3天 其他: 产品介绍: 本公司定制各种即用型溶液欢迎来电咨询。
1. Induction of epidural anesthesia in elderly patients with lactated Ringer's solution during the study of liquid dynamics 老年患者硬膜外麻醉诱导期间乳酸钠林格氏液的液体动力学研究更多例句>> 2) Sodium lactate Ringer's injection 乳酸钠林格氏注射液...
lactated Ringer's solution 英文lactated Ringer's solution 中文【医】 乳酸盐林格氏溶液