Sante, Societe, Picot, Celia and Laicran. The company has business presence across North America, South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific. It also operates a network of industrial plants worldwide. Lactalis is headquartered in Laval, Pays-de-la-Loire, France....
It said all the products were manufactured after February 15, 2017, The French health ministry's website says the recall affects nine countries in four continents: Britain and Greece in Europe; Morocco and Sudan in Africa; Peru and Colombia in South America; and Pakistan, Bangladesh and China...
The French health ministry's website says the recall affects nine countries in four continents:Britain and Greece in Europe;Morocco and Sudan in Africa;Peru and Colombia in South America;and Pakistan,Bangladesh and China in Asia.The United States,a major market for Lactalis products,is not ...
France.Itsaidalltheproductswere manufacturedafterFebruary15,2017,TheFrenchhealthministry's websitesaystherecall affects ninecountriesinfourcontinents:BritainandGreeceinEurope;MoroccoandSudaninAfrica;Peru andColombiainSouthAmerica;andPakistan,BangladeshandChinainAsia.TheUnitedStates,a majormarketforLactalisproducts,...