Combine drills with childhood games to get 9- and 10-year-olds involved in building their individual skills. The "Monkey in the Middle" drill teaches three players how to handle passes and move the ball quickly to another player, and it teaches one player the quick footwork needed to interce...
Your footwork, stick handling, and defensive positioning are foundational skills that you must continuously refine. Focus on drills that improve your agility and dexterity. For example: Stick Skills:Wall ball routines to enhancepassingandcatchingproficiency. Footwork Drills:Zig-zag cone drills for agilit...
John Gagliardi discusses and illustrates how to play one on one defense. He discusses positioning, footwork, defensive stick work, the v-hold and how to push out. These are summarized with a sidebar on the screen. If you are new to the game, or just need some tips or review, this vide...
Fundamental Stick Work-Specialized stick routines and targeted fundamental drills Position Specific Training- Defense-including a rotation of midfielders Footwork - pivoting, recovery and angles Stickwork - clearing, carrying, grounds balls and stick protection ...
Fundamental Stick Work-Specialized stick routines and targeted fundamental drills Position Specific Training- Defense-including a rotation of midfielders Footwork - pivoting, recovery and angles Stickwork - clearing, carrying, grounds balls and stick protection ...