our healthcare system, as well as the complexityandsensitivity ofthewide range of issues involved, we consider it necessary [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 由於醫保 計劃對本港醫療系統的長遠發展非常重要,而且涉及多項繁複及敏感的事宜,我們認為須把醫保計劃統籌處處長一職定在首長級 ...
Communities with significantly less access to pharmacies tend to see higher hospital readmission rates, new study results suggest. The study recently published in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association examined community pharmacy density across 48 rural and urban primary care service areas of...
Through a combination of court records, public records, and government reports, CBS13 has identified a recent spike in the number ofsexually violent predators (SVP)pendingconditional release(CONREP) from the California Department of State Hospitals (DSH) into California communities....
Food insecurity means there is a shortage of food commodities, making the available food expensive to purchase. This means the prices will increase, resulting in more expensive related items. People’s access to food, care, feeding, and healthcare may also become limited, making the nation more...
The leading reasons for poor drug adherence were lack of knowledge of the chronicity of hyperten- sion (73 %), cost of the drugs (63 %) and access to health care provision (15 %). However, 19 % of the study partici- pants were not able to provide a reason for the poor...
Meanwhile for reasons of distance, costandlackofinformationorlack ofculturalsensitivity,women living in rural areas, indigenous [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 同时由于距离、费用、缺乏信息或缺乏文化敏感性等缘故,住在农村地 区的妇女、土著妇女、52 流离失所者/难民,少女或者社会和经济地...