Flowdan FLOYD WEST22 Fluze Fly-D Flynninho Flyover FLYTZ! FNTZY Fogerz Foilshot Foínix Földes fonglee Fonk Dealer FONTI Foose FootriX FOOTWURK Forces Forsyth Forti FOSSUS Foster Killz Four Of Diamonds FOVOS Fox'd Foxel Foxes Foxtrot Førehand FR3CK3R FR3QUENCY Fracus & Darwin Fragile...
To measure reciprocal social interaction behavior, pairs of juvenile mice were allowed to socially interact at PND25±1 for 5 min after one mouse of the pair being habituated to the test environment for 1 min. Same-sex/same-genotype pairs consisting of non-littermates were used. To enha...
My arm had gone to sleep when I woke up. (我醒來時有一邊的手臂已經麻掉了。)不過如果是和心臟血管疾病相關的麻痺感,或是像太冷被凍僵 則是用 numb [nʌm] 這個形容詞 它也可以指情緒方面的麻木狀態 例如: Arms and legs going numb is sometimes a warning sign of a stroke. (手腳麻痺有...