what is lacking:to need an operation, better food, a match to light the fire.Require, which expresses necessity as strongly asneed, occurs most frequently in serious or formal contexts:Your presence at the hearing is required. Successful experimentation requires careful attention to detail. ...
I will pass it on to the language team. Following on my previous reply: The main point of the lesson is to look at "manquer" rather than "rater", which is given as a synonym for to fail to attend/catch. Merci et bonne journée ! Like02 years ago Share Jim J.C1 Kwiziq Q&A ...
what is lacking:to need an operation, better food, a match to light the fire.Require, which expresses necessity as strongly asneed, occurs most frequently in serious or formal contexts:Your presence at the hearing is required. Successful experimentation requires careful attention to detail. ...