À propos de Lachenmeier Informations sur Lachenmeier Cœur de métier : Fabricant Secteur : AutreGamme de produits de Lachenmeier Gamme de produits installations de conditionnement Vous trouverez ici Lachenmeier Sonnenscheinstraße 40 73614 Schorndorf Allemagne lachenmeier.com +49700-73422200 × +...
LACHENMEIER A/SFynsgade 6-10 6400 Sonderburg Danemark +4573422200 lachenmeier.com Profil Produits Prendre contact À propos de LACHENMEIER Informations sur LACHENMEIER Cœur de métier : Fabricant Secteur : Technologie de productionGamme de produits de LACHENMEIER Gamme de produits systèmes d'...
At Lachenmeier Monsun, we have a strong focus on progress, profitability, punctuality and quality in everything we do. For the success of our customer – and ourselves. Our customers can count on us to keep what we promise and to take pride in delivering ...
Lachenmeier Products Multi FleX1 Multiplicity of load sizes which can be wrapped. Easy to integrate into existing packaging lines. Wrapping 200 units/hour. Service at floor level. See more Multi FleXL For large format wrapping. Can be configured with 4 film rolls. Selects film size with excell...
品牌: lachenmeier 包装类型: 冷拉伸套膜包装 售后服务: 终身提供售后服务 适用行业: 化工,烟酒,家纺 产品别名: 全自动套膜包装机 加工定制: 是 包装材料: 薄膜 物料类型: 粉剂 适用对象: 酱类,矿泉水、纯净水,金属 包装成本: 降低40% 服务保障: 专业靠谱 品质保障: 质量过硬 价格: 透明...
品牌 LACHENMEIER 保修期 12 电源电压 220V 工作电流 10A 工作电压 20000V 灵敏度 .0001 配套设备 屏HMI 生产能力 20000 稳定度 100 月产量 10000 制造商 LACHENMEIER 可售卖地 北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海...
Discover Signode bringing you cutting-edge packaging solutions. Explore our range of innovative products under the Lachenmeier brand. Elevate your packaging efficiency and quality with our combined expertise.
Lachenmeier Products Multi FleX1 Multiplicity of load sizes which can be wrapped. Easy to integrate into existing packaging lines. Wrapping 200 units/hour. Service at floor level. See more Multi FleXL For large format wrapping. Can be configured with 4 film rolls. Selects film size with ...
The Lachenmeier stretch hooders accommodate variable load sizes and types, from fully cubed loads and irregular loads to a single box on a pallet. Pallet Load Testing Your company produces great products. But even a great product – if it is not packed correctly before being transported, can in...