1. 了解Lacey Act的基本要求 《雷西法案》要求进口商申报以下信息:产品的科学名称货物的数量和重量产品的价值产品的国家或地区来源收割和出口信息 2. 准备必要的文件 为了确保顺利清关,需要准备并提交以下文件:Lacey Declaration Form (PPQ 505):这是向美国农业部(USDA)提交的声明表格,详细列出产品的信息。商业...
Lacey Act Declaration Form 热度: 雷浩斯的价值投资法 热度: 家具市场 FurnitureMarket 有3家更大的商店将在达拉斯市、堪萨斯市和孟菲斯 传统与当代相l映 市开张。这家中档价位家具公司的CEO称,公司成 美国:在最近的HIGHPOINT市场上,成套卧 功的原因部分在于能不断改变家具的款式,很多家 ...
Lacey Act Declaration Form Plant and Plant Product Declaration Form Section 3: Lacey Act Amendment (16 U.S.C. 3372)PPQ FORM 505JULY 2010 SECTION 1 - Shipment Information U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE Knowingly making a false statement in this ...
SampleForm[Lacey Act Declaration Form]
出口到美国的货,需要做这个文件。 Lacey Act Declaration Form 之前填的 14是wood 15是china 但是那边...
lacey act-sud 下载积分: 1200 内容提示: LACEY ACT PLANT AND PLANT PRODUCT DECLARATION SPECIAL USE DESIGNATIONS efficient and accurate completion of the Plant and Plant Product Declaration Form known as PPQ505. The issues currently fall into three categories: (1) the possible use of shorthand ...
How to File a Lacey Act Declaration The Importer of Record (IOR) or their agent (e.g. a customs broker) can file a declaration electronically (the preferred method) or by mailing a paper form. The declaration will include the following information: Description of the product, including spec...
Lacey declaration form 12-2009 Plant and Plant Product Declaration Form Section 3: Lacey Act Amendments of 2008 (16 U.S.C. 3372)PPQ FORM 505DECEMBER 20081. ESTIMATED DATE OF ARRIVAL: (MM/DD/YYYY)4. BILL OF LADING:2. ENTRY NUMBER:8. CONSIGNEE NAME:9. CONSIGNEE ADDRESS:7. ...
including all remaining plant products that are not 100% composite materials. It is crucial that importers check the goods they import for any plant product material against the list below. If a product appears on the list below, it will require a Lacey Act declaration at the time of import...