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Define laceration. laceration synonyms, laceration pronunciation, laceration translation, English dictionary definition of laceration. n. A jagged wound or cut. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016
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Laceration DefinitionnounA jagged wound or cut. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th EditionA torn and ragged wound. from Free Scrabble DictionaryThe act of . from Free Scrabble DictionaryFind More Words! Wildcard(?) letters appear in RED...
•Thetotalnumber ofciviliancasualtieswas seventy-seven, most of whom had sufferedbruisesorlacerationsto the head.•The victim was brought intocontactwith the glass andseriouslacerationswere caused.•This leads to alaceratedwound withwidertissuedestructionaround thelaceration.•Tonguelacerationand...
lacerationn(cut)(指皮肤、肉体上的)SCSimplified Chinese撕裂,划破sī liè ,huá pò The veterinarian discovered a laceration on the dog's leg. 在单词列表中:Injuries,更多…… 同义词:tear,gash,wound,更多…… 标题中含有单词 'laceration' 的论坛讨论: ...
One wound was a minor scalp laceration, in which the blade would have contacted the hard bone of the skull. False positive: the Salce-McKee incident But as she convalesced from the concussion, scalp laceration, injured kidneys, fractured pelvis, broken ribs, fractured vertebrae and a broken ...
English Definition (名) As a noun The act of lacerating. A torn ragged wound. Hyphenation lac•er•a•tion Part of Speech (名) noun Matching Results 划破 huápò to cut open; to rip; to streak across (lightning, meteor etc); to pierce (scream, searchlight etc) 割破 gēpò ...
wound can only gape open if all three of the superficial layers (the skin, the superficial fascia, and the galea aponeurotica) are disrupted. If the wound does not gape open, the galea is intact. Before closure of the wound, visual examination of the skull and palpation of the wound are...
iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary ایذا رسانی aeza rasani دل آزاری dil aazari View English Meanings of:aezarasanidilaazari Thesaurus Synonyms and Antonyms forlaceration Synonymschawchompgobitchlacerationnippainpinchpricksmartingstingwound ...