Sharp objects such as scissors or knives can slice the skin to cause a laceration. Lacerations can also occur from blunt trauma or a fall. If a box falls off of a shelf and onto a person's head, it can tear the skin to cause a laceration. Is a laceration the same as a cut?
分享4赞 小尾寒羊吧 庨 【小尾寒羊】一些外部羊病撕裂创(Tear wounds or Lacerations)急性出血(Acute bleeding)电击(Electric shock)刺伤(Stab wounds)骨折(Fracture) 分享145赞 死亡金属吧 吕修 来自沙特阿拉伯的极端音乐。在信奉伊斯兰教的阿拉伯世界摇滚乐一向被视为洪水猛兽,,在这样的环境里出个朋克英伦什么的...