4、deeplaceration深部撕裂伤 5、epidermallaceration表皮撕裂伤 6、extensivelaceration广泛撕裂伤 7、marginallaceration边缘撕裂伤 8、lacerationmedical definition 撕裂伤医学定义 9、lacerationdefinition 裂伤定义 10、lacerationexample 撕裂伤示例 11、lacerationicd 10 裂伤icd 10 ...
网络释义 1. 肺撕裂伤 ICD 10 查询: ICD-10 S-1 ... S2733Laceration of lung肺撕裂伤S27331 Laceration of lung,unilateral A 单侧肺撕裂伤 ... icd-10th.blogspot.tw|基于 1 个网页
网络释义 1. 子宫颈陈旧性撕裂伤 ICD 10 查询: N ... N880 Leukoplakia of cervix uteri 子宫颈白斑症 N881Old laceration of cervix uteri子宫颈陈旧性撕裂伤... icd-10th.blogspot.com|基于 1 个网页
From linkage to ICD10 diagnoses, we analysed NordDRG product invoices generated by the treatment of the patients. We calculated and compared the costs of treatment in both cohorts from the invoices. This method has not been previously used for analysing wound care costs. Mean treatment costs ...
Diagnoses and procedures were identified using ICD-10 CM codes. Results: There were 2,548,944 ED encounters for facial lacerations in the United States. Of those, laceration was the chief complaint in 75%. 80% of lacerations were unintentional, 8% were due to assaults, and <1% due to ...