Leading scorer Mark Stone suffered a lacerated spleen, the latest blow to a team that’s dropped four of five and surrendered 12 goals the last two games. FromSeattle Times His injuries were reported as a dislocated shoulder and lacerated calf though both were more serious than first seemed. ...
英汉-汉英词典 adj.撕裂 ,割碎 ,受伤 近义、反义、联想词 义词 adj. rough,injured 反义词 n. smooth,uninjured 联词 bruised青肿;fractured断裂;ruptured破裂;bled流血;scarred伤痕累累,有疤痕;torn扯裂,撕开;tore撕开;spleen脾;inflamed发炎;swollen肿胀 ...
(1l F. H. Bentley: "The Treatmentof Flesh Wounds by Early Secondary Suture and Penicillin", The British JOll"Il"l of S,,,·ye1·y.Volume XXXII, 1944, page 132. (2) P. Martin: "Heparin in Intravenous Infusions. including Peni&illin Therapy", British Medical Journal. Volume n, ...
The meaning of LACERATE is to tear or rend roughly : wound jaggedly. How to use lacerate in a sentence.
مُمَزَّق是将“lacerated"翻译成 阿拉伯文。 译文示例:You have a lacerated spleen in Trauma 1 ready for surgery. ↔ لديك طحال ممزق في غرفة الطوارىء الأولى أصبحت ج...
CC center on the shelf for a while/ Polich suffers lacerated spleen in season openerTODD JACOBSONTHE GAZETTE
doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(02)69259-1W. FergussonElsevier Ltd.Lancet