182019-02 2 Lacerated liver 232019-02 3 A press release 152019-02 4 Arthritis 192019-02 5 Not adjacent 202019-02 6 Fatalities 122019-02 7 Divert 162019-02 8 Nerve racking 222019-02 9 Prudent speed 192019-02 10 Disabled vehicles 102019-02 查看更多 ...
Right diaphragmatic injury and lacerated liver during a penetrating abdominal trauma: case report and brief literature review. World journal of emergency surgery: WJES 2014; 9: 33.Agrusa A, Romano G, Chianetta D, De Vita G, Frazzetta G, Di Buono G, Sorce V, Gulotta G. Right diaphragmatic...
These included a fractured skull with associated bleeding to the brain and retinal bleeding; 27 rib fractures; fractures to both thigh bones; fractures to both shin bones; fractured wrist and a lacerated liver. FromBBC Down the street, a mule lay panting on its side, its skin lacerated from...
9.I don't see any facial bruising or lacerations. 我没看到脸部有挫伤或撕裂伤 10.There's a traumatic liver laceration from the accident. 这里是事故造成的创伤性肝撕裂 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词lacerated的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
He's short of breath because his diaphragm is lacerated. 他是喘不上气 因为他的膈肌裂了 I don't see any facial bruising or lacerations. 我没看到脸部有挫伤或撕裂伤 There's a traumatic liver laceration from the accident. 这里是事故造成的创伤性肝撕裂...
Lacerated Liver in an Intercollegiate Men's Baseball Player During a Flag Football Game: A Case Report as well as contraindicated activities. He was placed in a rib protector for activi- ties of daily living. Upon his return to campus for the spring semester... TL Ray,MT Reeder,BE Uderman...
Grazing bullet wounds of the tongue and liver The cause of death was hemorrhage from the lacerated aorta. The grazing bullet wounds of the tongue and liver were shallow defects of the tissues with ... T Hayase,K Yamamoto,Y Yamamoto,... - Nihon hōigaku zasshi = The Japanese journal of ...
Normal and pathologic soft tissue remodeling: Role of the myofibroblast, with special emphasis on liver and kidney fibrosis. Lab. Investig. 83(12), 1689–1707 (2003). Article PubMed Google Scholar Hinz, B. & Gabbiani, G. Fibrosis: Recent advances in myofibroblast biology and new therapeutic...
TRANSPLANTATION OF A SEVERELY LACERATED LIVER - A WAY TO EXPAND THE DONOR POOL: 1702doi:10.1097/00007890-201007272-01485Q. LaiG. MenniniF. NudoF. MelandroM. GriecoM. RossiP. BerlocoTransplantation
Jeannette junior suffers from lacerated liverJeannette junior defensive back Shaw Sunder is in stablecondition at Milton S. Hershey Medical...Barnes, Keith