The S238N-H82 L. bicolor hydrophobin gene family is composed of 12 genes while the 81306 strain encodes nine hydrophobins, all corresponding to class I hydrophobins. The three extra hydrophobin genes encoded by the S238N-H82 genome likely arose via gene duplication and are bordered by ...
The ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor S238 N and the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens BBc6 were used separately and in combination to induce in vitro rooting of de-rooted shoot hypocotyls of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). When the culture medium was supplemented with tryptophan, ...
Article: The major pathways of carbohydrate metabolism in the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Laccaria bicolor S238N
Hounayda Mansouri-Bauly,Jörg Kruse,Zuzana Sýkorová,Ursula Scheerer,Stanislav Kopriva. Sulfur uptake in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor S238N[J]. Mycorrhiza . 2006 (6)Mansouri-Bauly H, Kruse J, Sykorova Z, Scheerer U, Kopriva S (2006) Sulfur uptake in the ...
Laccaria bicolor S238 N improves Scots pine mineral nutrition by increasing root nutrient uptake from soil minerals but does not increase mineral weathering. Plant Soil. 2010;328:145---54.Laccaria bicolor S238N improves Scots pine mineral nutrition by increasing root nutrient uptake from soil ...
LeclercE.KiesA.PLANT AND SOILChristophe, C., Marie-Pierre, T., Stephane, U., Elisabeth, L., Antoine K., and Pascale, F. 2010. Laccaria bicolor S238N improves Scots pine mineral nutrition by increasing root nutrient uptake from soil minerals but does not increase mineral weathering. Plant ...
2010. Laccaria bicolor S238N improves scots pine mineral nutrition by increasing root nutrient uptake from soil minerals but does not increase mineral weathering. Plant and Soil 328: 145-154.Christophe, C., Marie-Pierre, T., Stephane, U., Elisabeth, L., Antoine K., and Pascale, F. 2010....
Ability of Ectomycorrhizal Fungns Laccaria bicolor S238N to Increase the Growth of Donglas Fir Seedlings an[J]. HUANG JIANGUO and F. LAPEYRIE(Dept. of Soil Science, Southwest Agric. Univ. Chongqzig 630716(China))INRA. Microbiologie, Center de Nancy, Champenoux 54280 (France).Pedosphere. ...
HUANG J G; LPBEYRIE F.Ability of ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor S238N to increase the growth of Douglas fir seedlings and their phosphorus and potassium uptake.Pedosphere.1996.217-223Huang JG,Lapeyrie F. Ability of ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor S238N to increase the growth of ...
Calvaruso C, Turpault M, Uroz S, Leclerc E, Kies A, Frey-Klett P. 2010. Laccaria bicolor S238N improves scots pine mineral nutrition by increasing root nutrient uptake from soil minerals but does not increase mineral weathering. Plant and Soil 328: 145-154....