作为fantasy圈子里每年一度最著名的活动之一:labyrinth masquerade 舞会正式落幕,这是我一直以来想要参加的舞会,也是我一直致力于创造新costume的圈子。这是一个包容万象的地方。精灵,仙子,龙族,人马,奇幻生物,furry,甚至是蘑菇;只要你想,你就可以成为任何你想成为的东西。这也是为何七年来我一直深爱着这个圈子,她给我...
and Knaves logic puzzle to avoid certain death; an encounter with detachable-limbed revellers known as "The Fire Gang", who try to remove Sarah's head; a detour through the Bog of Eternal Stench; a junkyard-like recreation of her own bedroom; and a hallucinogen-induced masquerade ball. Ther...
A masquerade ball. “We started this as a lark three years ago and we had so much fun,” Henson told ET from inside the party. He donned a feathered mask and cape for the evening, which ended up looking somewhat tame next to the elaborate costumes around him inside...
Imagination is precisely what went into Jim Henon'sLabyrinth. Mastery of the aforementioned person's respective professions is precisely what broughtLabyrinthto fruition, which continues to be a movie and puppetry fan favorite! Jim Henson's Labyrinth: Journey to Goblin City | Center for Puppetry Art...