在LabVIEW中使用枚举变量时,可以使用"Enum to String"和"String to Enum"等函数来进行枚举值和字符串之间的转换。 此外,还可以使用"Case Structure"和"Enumerated Type Constant"等功能来根据不同的枚举值执行不同的操作。 总结来说,使用LabVIEW中的枚举变量需要定义枚举类型,创建枚举变量,并根据需要使用相应的枚举值...
21. 需要将字符型数组写入Excel时,用Array To Spreadsheet String节点把要输入的内容转换格式后,写入write totext file.vi节点即可.写入前用Open/Create/Replace File 节点,设置为open or create 。write to spreadsheet file.vi节点可多态选择,包括双精度,整型,字符,连接端点format:%s或使用多态选择为string即可. 22...
在 LabVIEW 8.0 中,如加载由 LabVIEW 7.x 或前期版本所保存的 VI, LabVIEW 8.0 会自动设置 Flatten To String 函数的 Convert 7.x Data 属性,并且该函数的使用方法与 LabVIEW 7.x 和前期版本相同.如果 VI 需使 用 LabVIEW 8.0 的类型描述符格式,右键单击 Flatten To String 函数并从 快捷菜单中选择 ...
This test only analyzes Control VIs that contain a single enum on the front panel. Case Structure with String Range—Detects Case structures with strings wired to the case selector with one or more ranges in selector labels. Use of ranges is not recommended with Case structures based on ...
The most commonly used data types are numeric, Boolean value, and string. You can use arrays to group elements of the same data type. LabVIEW Block Diagram After you create the front panel window, you add code to the LabVIEW block diagram using graphical representations of functions to complet...
31String&Path(字符申和路径)字符申和路径的控制和显示。41 6、Array&Cluster(数组和簇)数组和簇的控制和显示。5i呵List&Table(歹0表和表格)歹0表和表格的控制和显小61Graph(图形显示)显示数据结果的趋势图和曲线图。71Ring&Enum环与枚举)环与枚举的控制和显小。8EI/O(输入/输出功能)输入/输出功能。丁操作...
text ring. Create a property node to write to Strings and then run your program to write the string array to the property node. This will populate the text ring. Once the text ring is populated, you can "Replace" it with an Enum and it will retain all of the values from the text ...
Issue Details How do enums work with Case Structures? How do I duplicate a case and get to define which of the enum values are assigned to that duplicate case? Can I have more than one value for a case?Solution An enumerated type (enum) is a list of string labels with corresponding ...
经典字符串及路径ClassicString&Path 简易字符串SimpleString 组合框ComboBox 经典数组,矩阵与簇ClassicArray,Matrix&Cluster 变体Variant 经典列表及表格ClassicList&Table 经典图形ClassicGraph 经典下拉列表及枚举ClassicRing&Enum 系统下拉列表SystemRing 经典容器ClassicContainers 经典I/OClassicI/O 经典引用句柄ClassicRefnum...
BDLIBS1 = CCGArrSupport.c CCGArrSupport2.c CCGArrSupport3.c CCGClusterSupport.c CCGCmplxSupport.c CCGEnumSupport.c CCGDVRSupport.c CCGFXPSupport.c BDLIBS2 = CCGFltSupport.c CCGIntSupport.c CCGStrSupport.c CCGTimeSupport.c CCGTokString.c CCGUDClassSupport.c CCGVariant.c CCGXMLSupport.c Ex...