这里用户有三种选择,分别是Restart(重新启动计算机)、Shut Down(关闭计算机)和Exit(退出安装程序)。 重新启动计算机后,用户就可以启动LabVIEW 8.0进行程序设计了。 提示:在LabVIEW 8.0的安装程序启动界面中,单击View Readme可以查看LabVIEW 8.0的自述文档,其中有关于LabVIEW 8.0的详细介绍;单击Explore the CD可以打开LabVIE...
If a while loop is needed, another solution is to configure the task to acquire Continuous Samples instead of Finite Samples. When this option is selected, the DAQ device will continue acquiring data until the task is explicitly stopped. Solution 3: Restart Acquisition in a While LoopIf you ...
写好LabVIEW程序不可不知的利器(一):模块化功能VI 对于一般的初学者,无论是否有程序基础,LabVIEW是个相当容易入门的程序语言。因为LabVIEW图形化以及资料流的概念,相对于文字叙述的程序语言较容易理解。也正因如此,虽然初学者在刚开始接触LabVIEW时,可以非常快速的使用内建的Function或VI来写一些小程序,但一...
I have a program in LabVIEW that uses a while loop, and I want to know how long it takes for my while loop to iterate. How can I benchmark my while loop? I am acquiring data that is continuously changing, but there is a delay between when the data changes and when I see this up...
A While Loop surrounds the rest of the VI. This allows the VI to handle multiple sequential connections without having to restart after each connection closes. The VI cannot handle multiple simultaneous connections. The outer Case structure determines whether a valid connection occurred. If a val...
Bug ID- When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on ni.com. You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles. Legacy ID– An older issue ID that refers to the same issue. You may instead find this issue ID in...
Place the Single-Cycle Timed Loop in the first frame of a sequence structure, just as you did for the Wait on Rising Edge method in the previous example. You can implement analog triggers using a While Loop in the same manner. Place an Analog Input function and a Comparison function in ...
LabVIEW does not recognize changes to the system default printer until you restart LabVIEW. LabVIEW Project Enhancements LabVIEW 8.5 includes the following enhancements to the LabVIEW project and related functionality. Shared Variable and NI-PSP Enhancements LabVIEW 8.5 includes the following shared ...
Close the Options and restart LabVIEW. When restarting LabVIEW and opening projects for the first time after the change, you will notice a slow-down as the cache is rebuilt. This will only affect the first load of a project. If you have moved the folders from a network to local directory...
You may be prompted to restart. Return to topActivate and Register Step 2. After the installation is complete, the Activation Wizard opens automatically. When you are prompted, click LOG IN TO ACTIVATE. Enter your NI User Account credentials and click LOG IN. All your unlicensed products are...