nIVI示波器类(ScopeIVI Oscilloscope)nIVI数字万用表类(DMMIVI Digital Multimeter)nIVI函数发生器类(FGenIVI Function Generator)nIVI直流电源类(DC Pwr SupplyIVI DC Power Supply)nIVI开关类(SwitchIVI Switch)nIVI功率计类(Power MeterIVI Power Meter)nIVI射频信号发生器类(RF Sig GenIVI RF Signal Gene 26、...
Scheme for the virtual oscilloscope for complex signals with some real time experimental results are presented in this work. Kevywords: Virtual instrumentation,Chirp signal,Data acquisition,Triggering, Complex signals, JTFA 1.Introduction For the last two decades there has been a tremendous progress ...
Today, data acquisition boards are used and can be assembled directly into the computer, having the operation possibility of an oscilloscope. The appearance of the LabVIEW environment was motivated by the research automation activity and by the application development, based on a hierarchical instrument...
In this paper the hardware that virtual oscilloscope data acquisition card of initial slightly, and discusses its software as part of a deep analysis. Virtual oscilloscope software is divided into several relatively independent modules, such as spectrum analysis module, storage module, display module, ...
This hypothesized oscilloscope data acquisition function and the ordinary oscilloscope are same; Profile demonstration pattern: Channel A or B, A+B and A-B and so on. The test result indicated, this article designs two channel digital oscilloscope system design is correct. Key word:Virtual...
The oscilloscope is composed of data acquisition DAQ (Data Acquisition), interface bus, hardware driver and virtual digital oscilloscope software.凍鈹鋨劳臘锴痫婦胫籴。 Keywords:The virtual instrument LabVIEW oscilloscope恥諤銪灭萦欢煬鞏鹜錦。 1. 1.1 数字示波器主要由软件控制完成信号的采集、处理和...
Virtual Digital Storage Oscilloscope is a kind of virtual instrument technology specific application, mainly by the data acquisition, data processing and the results showed three major components. Among them, the data processing and results accomplished by the computer software system, only the data ...
This article uses the method of programming LabVIEW to design virtual oscilloscope. The virtual oscilloscope realized the real-time data acquisition, waveform display, and measuring parameters and other functions. Its various performance indicators are much better than that of a traditional oscilloscope....