转换为时间标识 To Time Token 获取日期/时间字符串 Get Date/Time String 获取日期/时间(秒)Get Date/Time In Seconds 日期/时间至秒转换 Date/Time To Seconds 秒至日期/时间转换 Seconds To Date/Time 时间标识常量 Time Stamp Constant 时间延迟 Time Delay 已用时间 Elapsed Time 格式化日期/时间字符串 For...
The Get Date/Time In Seconds VI returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1904. This VI will not roll over until about 2050. If your while loop is taking a significant amount of time to execute each iteration, you may want to consider using multiple while loops. Implementing ...
而Elapsed Time 使用的系统时间(精确到Ms),不会产生累积误差。14、如何动态添加Tree 控件内条目?A:查找Directory hierarchy in tree control.vi 例程,打开init-open-close 子vi 内的Directoryto tree 子vi 内add Item.vi。使用该属性节点进行添加删除操作。重点在于parent tag 端口的使用。如果添加的为最上层的...
A:用Get Data/Time In Seconds用来获得当前时间,另一个是Format Data/Time String 函数,这个函数用来定义输出时间的格式,再time format string端口上输入字符串%H:% M:%S%.3u,然后time stamp连接Get Data/Time In Seconds的时间输出即可。关于时间格 式的定义可以在help里看到。 15、为什么用子程序调用时pop up...
which is inefficient in term of space and time. Alternatively, we can write the 2D array row by row using a for loop. But LabVIEW just automatically start a new line for each iteration . The method I used is simple, but took me a while to come up with. I set the file position (...
13、 如何较精确的判断延时时间?A:需要使用迅捷VI(Elapsed Time.vi)而不能使用Wait。因为Wait是会受到系统运行的影响,而且重复延时后会产生积累误差。而Elapsed Time使用的系统时间(精确到Ms),不会产生累积误差。 14、 如何动态添加Tree控件内条目?A:查找Directory hierarchy in tree control.vi例程,打开init-open-...
程序框图里Get date/time in seconds获取当前时间,转换为双精度浮点型后输入到Waveform Chart的属性节点Xscale.Offset。属性节点Xscale.Format设为模式7。 LabVIEW 7.1,Time Loop结构主程序内调用两个不同功能的子程序,当子程序被调用时弹出子VI前面板。子程序内均使用了Time Loop,设置均一样,但是调用任一子VI后另...
Use the Loop Timer VI in a While Loop to control the execution rate of the I/O, as shown in Figure 2-3. Figure 2-3. Controlling Execution Rate with the Loop Timer VI To use the Loop Timer VI to control the execution rate of the I/O, place a sequence structure inside a While ...
50、onds To Date/Time 时间标识常量 Time Stamp Constant 时间延迟 Time Delay 已用时间 Elapsed Time 格式化日期 / 时间字符串 Format Date/Time String 对话框与用户界面 Dialog and User Interface 单按钮对话框 One Button Dialog 双按钮对话框 Two Button Dialog 三按钮对话框 Three Button Dialog 简易错误处...