我们用的是一个很简单但超有效的**“省钱神器”**,就是——Google Maps!具体操作步骤如下:1.打开Google Maps,搜索Labuan Bajo,然后找当地的旅游社。你会看到很多选择。2.点进每个旅游社的官网,仔细看他们的行程和报价。虽然这个方法效率不算最高,但绝对能找到最划算的方案!3.最后,我们用这个方法订到了一艘船...
Labuanbajo, IndonesiaWebsite: www.komodonationalpark.org/ Category: Island / Labuanbajo GPS: -8.53277, 119.370747 Open in Google Maps Komodo Island is located at the western end of East Nusa Tenggara province, more precisely between the island of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara and the island of...
AtONE TREE HILLin Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, we offer a wide range of room options to suit every traveler's needs. Whether you are a solo backpacker or traveling with family or friends, we have the perfect room for you. With our variety of room types, you can choose from spacious dormitorie...