现今拉布拉多已无须参与狩猎活动, 「多才多艺」似乎无用武之地,但它们仍然是大受欢迎的工作犬,因它们聪明易训练,性情温驯稳定,不少人争相训练它们担任导盲犬、导听犬、救援犬等, 它们绝不会面临失业问题!活泼友善人气王 拉布拉多性情活泼好动、可爱友善,适合当辅助犬,当宠物犬更胜任有余,直至去年为止的美国...
Labrador retriever n. Adogof abreedoriginatinginNewfoundland,havingashortyellow,black,orbrowncoatandoftenusedtoretrievefelledgame.ThebreedwasdevelopedinEngland,wherethenamewaschangedfromlesserNewfoundlandtoLabrador. [AfterLabrador.] AmericanHeritage®DictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage,FifthEdition.Copyright©2016byHou...
Discover a world of wagging tails and artistic charm at our Labrador Art and Gifts blog. From heartwarming Labrador-insp
Labrador retriever dell'allevamento lab vida controllo malattie genetiche e selezione di soggetti in base allo standard morfologico e caratteriale
【整体外貌】拉布拉多猎犬体格强健, 中等大小, 短躯干, 是功能全面的猎犬; 良好的骨骼和健康的身体使它在困难的环境中能长时间进行持猎水禽或陆上猎物的活动;具有的特性和品质使它们能在展示比赛中获胜;良好的性情适合成为家庭伴侣犬; 身体特征和精神品质使这一犬种适合成为一种高效率的猎犬; 它稳定的性情适合在各...
拉布拉多犬(英文名:Labrador retriever)是世界著名的犬种。该犬起源于加拿大纽芬兰岛,最初用来帮助渔民拖拽渔船和渔网。英国于19世纪初期从纽芬兰岛引进,历经一个多世纪繁育而成。其在第一次世界大战中首次进入美国,1928年被美 - 空_无边于20230922发布在抖音,已经收
Labrador Retriever personality In general, Labrador retrievers are excellent family dogs, as long as you keep in mind their need for exercise and training. These are dogs bred to work and work hard and they love to have jobs to do, particularly retrieving. ...
Labrador Retriever – Puppies & Stud Service Welcome to Labradale Labrador Retriever breeders for over 40 years, Labradale Kennels (Perm Reg) is owned and operated by Ross Brennan, Liane Chaput Brennan and Sharon Luckhart. We have been honored to have our dogs achieve the highest honors in fi...
Labrador Retriever puppies live up to their name and will retrieve anything from your high heel shoes to the newspaper in the front yard. Lovers of all people and children lab puppies are the best addition to any family. Walk in anytime during our visiting hours to meet our labrador ...
各国选择不同的当地犬种作为导盲犬,比较常见的犬种有拉布拉多巡回犬(Labrador Retrievers),金毛巡回犬(Golden Retrievers… baike.soso.com|基于8个网页 3. 犬种有拉布拉多犬 导盲犬犬种的选择非常重要,比较常见的犬种有拉布拉多犬(labrador retrievers)和金毛猎犬(golden retrievers)。作为导盲犬,要… ...