---Counter Verification of Labov’s Theory of Language Variation 2 others. BBS originally had the function similar to that of post boards on the street or campus. With the popularization of personal computers, BBS begins to come to the main...
One may read his work as an important attempt in linguistics to reconnect the system with the 'outside' noise. However, based on detailed analysis of his studies, in what follows I will argue that his theory is crippled by a problematic understanding of the individual speaker....
I have resisted the term sociolinguistics for many years, since it implies that there can be a successful linguistic theory or practice which is not social. When I first published the studies of Martha's Vineyard and New York City that ... N Coupland,A Jaworski - Macmillan Education UK 被...
他说:since it implies that there can be a successfullinguistictheoryorpracticewhichisnotsocial.(因为它意味着语言学的理论和活动可以存在、可以成功,但却没有社会性。)显然,在拉波夫看来,语言学的任何理论和活动都离不开它所赖以存在的社会:天下不存在社会语言学与非社会语言学的区别。可喜的是,数十年来,在...
Towards a social science of language. Papers in honor of William Labov. Volume I. Variation and change in language and society. Edited by Gregory Guy, Crawford Feagin, John Baugh, and Deborah Schiffrindoi:info:doi/10.1075/jpcl.14.1.11mcwJohn McWhorter...
English. Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. Pp. 140-167. Also as Chapter 1 of Language in the Inner City. 1967 with Joshua Waletzky. Narrative analysis. In J. Helm (ed.), Essays on the Verbal and Visual Arts. Seattle: U. of Washington Press. Pp. 12-44. Reprint...
William Labov was an American linguist who was known for his pioneering work on regional variations in language. Labov was instrumental in the development of sociolinguistics.