From a welfare point of view, most relevant is net output defined as output minus sunk costs. Recruiting expenditures definitely belong to sunk costs. Firing costs are sunk, if they mainly consist of legal or bureaucracy costs. In contrast, if they consist mainly of a severance payment to ...
His arguments have been restated by Professor Pigou (Economics of Welfare, bk. iii., ch. vii.). There is very little that needs to be added to the conclusions of these authorities. Google Scholar Download references Author information Authors and Affiliations University of Oxford, UK J. R....
However, our focus is on showing the effects in particular dimensions rather than discussing welfare. This paper uses a quantitative life-cycle model to evaluate the direct impact and the selection effects caused by the two strands of maternity leave policies: job protection and income replacement....
Now, £80 million may not seem very much, especially when set against the £4 trillion that the suddenly profligate George Osborne will be splashing out on what remains of the Welfare State over the next four years. But it’s still quite a lot of money. It’s certainly more than Mrs...
The Norwegian welfare state is characterized by generous benefits, such that an employee’s total income is likely to remain stable despite any deterioration in health. This suggests that for people with lower expected productivity, such as those with chronic health problems, and/or low education,...
PAPERS IN LABOUR HISTORY NO.2RESEARCH NOTESOral History ProjectOrganise..: a Visual RecordWA Branch, Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union WA Branch, Australian Social Welfare UnionLife of Monty MillerPaddyEDITOR: MICHAEL HESS
Brian Cousin Fox Rothschild LLP New York+1 646 601 7667bcousin@foxrothschild.comLinkedIn A partner at Fox Rothschild LLP, Brian Cousin represents companies, partnerships, and executives in a broad range of employment, labour, executive contract, benefits, fiduciary and commercial litigation, and arbi...
It is a law to promote the welfare of workers to balance childcare/nursing care with work. Restrictions on overtime work, implementation of short working hours, and disadvantageous treatment of employees such as dismissal and demotion are prohibited. The minimum wage that businesses pay to ...
In the past six years, whether in education or welfare, this government has consistently demonstrated that we will take on difficult arguments, make difficult choices and undertake big and bold reforms to spread opportunity. This Queen’s speech is no different. At its heart are major changes to...
‘Employers’ Delegate from South Africa’ rather than as a WNLA official. Gemmill reminded his audience that he had been a member of the ILO’s governing body since 1922, during which time he had promoted African welfare. He had, for example, played a part in drawing up the Recruiting ...