Polls boost for Tories as lead over Labour increases after recent slumpDAVID MADDOX POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT
Nigel Farage's populist party overtook Labour, having already consistently polled above the Tories since the election. Its rise has no doubt spooked both of the main parties, despite us being some four years away from another national vote, with Mr Farage declaring last week h...
He says the number of crossings has also gone up by 28% under Labour, and blames the scrapping of the Tories' plan to deport anyone who arrived via small boat to Rwanda. 'We were going in the right direction' Put to him that the Tories "have got a bit...
As I pointed out at the start, polls consistently put Labour around 45% (up to 48%), with Tories hovering around 22%. At this point nothing will turn the tide and nothing can or will save the Conservatives. Maybe not as bad at this post suggest, but they will loose over 200 seat, ...
I don’t agree ; given the accuracy of the last two exit polls against expectation, the pound will collapse either at the point of the exit poll showing Labour are going to form the next government (especially if by some freak an overall majority) or at the latest on the first “Sunderl...
The polls show North Carolina, Missouri and Indiana at the margin. I’m hoping that Obama’s huge advantage on the ground, the record turn-out, and the cell-phone factor will push them over Tags: US elections Posted in Politics | Leave a Comment » « Older Entries ...
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Tories slip further down in the polls; Labour proves to be winning over voters but faces criticism over the NHS and its handling of crimeCatherine MacLeodPolitical editor
Adam Payne
Bad Day in the Polls for Labour; ELECTION SPECIAL: LIBERAL DEMOCRATS AND TORIES: Chronicle Local Elections 2008XByline: PETER YOUNG Political EditorEvening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)