CanadaAs in many other countries, such as in Europe, Canada has increased its anti-trafficking efforts since this crime was included in the criminal code in 2005. However, trafficking for labour exploitation remains poorly addressed in the current anti-trafficking response. Concerns related to ...
Canada has no legislation prohibiting forced labour, relying instead on human trafficking penal dispositions; the two are intimately related. However, there has only been one conviction for human trafficking for the purposes of forced labour. Here, we offer an analysis of jurisprudence according to ...
Child Labor Prostitution In The United States Many countries don’t have enough laws on labor. Many countries still have millions of child laborers, human trafficking for work is becoming more and more common, and many parents cannot support their families on their own because of low paying jobs...
The focus is workers on fishing boats; the paper does not take up labour issues in the seafood processing sector. The paper argues that the trafficking framework, and the associated language of slavery, has been effective in drawing world-wide attention to serious labour issues in the fisheries...
and couched in the networks of digital capitalism which subsume the digital sexual economy. We learned from Ditmore’s study of Calcutta sex workers the importance of treating prostitution and trafficking-related abuses as labour issues to advance sex workers’ protection. We also recognize a cyber...
child labour,child forced-labour and childtrafficking (Canada) 加强保护儿童权利,包括批准《儿童权利公约》,为执行现有的 立法改善机制和资源情况,提高对侵犯儿童罪行的定罪率,例如,性剥削、童工、儿童强迫劳动和拐卖儿童等。
Trade Unions, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking This article examines the dilemmas facing trade unions seeking to engage on questions of forced labour and human trafficking. The International Labour Organization and elements of the international trade union movement have succeeded in ... M Ford 被引...
Temporary migration, precarious employment and unfree labour relations: Exploring the 'continuum of exploitation' in Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Program Exploitation of international migrant workers in the Global North has been increasingly framed in terms of trafficking, in political and legal domai...
In Canada, anti-trafficking and police raids on indoor sex work venues have resulted in arrests, charges, and deportation of im/migrant sex workers [37–39]. Recent Canadian research found that 23.9% of 397 indoor sex workers had experienced a workplace inspection (by police, municipal, ...
A forced marriage might occur under physical, and trafficking in persons (often referred to as emotional, or financial duress as a result of decep- human trafficking). These are not included explicitly tion by family members, the spouse, or others, or by in the global estimates but are ...