This severe decent work deficit needs to be addressed if approaches to address rural employment and reduce poverty are to be successful.Mallikarjuna, NLInternational Journal of Physical\\\s&\\\ssocial Sciences
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
As union membership decreased, so did the union’s capacity to effectively represent workers and ensure effective protection of labour standards and working conditions in an increasingly vulnerable labour market. These developments were not unique but broadly representative of the general predicament of la...
Rights Standards and International Labour Organiza- labour standards using panel data. Even though this is tion (ILO) norms form the basis for the analysis of the a brave attempt at exploiting the advantages inherent HR practices garment firms on human panel data, the problem is that...
3; Antoine Rebérioux, ‘The end of history in corporate governance? A critical appraisal’, Amsterdam Research Centre for Corporate Governance Regulation, Inaugural Workshop 17–18 December 2004, available at:; Friedrich Kübler, ...
Section 3is devoted to various areas of law of relevance for determining the rights of these workers. This includes questions of the applicability of legal standards; the legality of stay and work, and the consequences of claims brought by those classified as irregular migrants or irregular ...
The increase in labour productivity is extremely important for the achievement of the socio-economic standards of life in society which are recognized by world community because it is labour productivity that is the fundamental basis of economic growth. The importance of increasing labour productivity ...
NK.oNte,ohteo,wheovweer,vtehre, tghreegartedaitffdeirffeenrceencine i"nL"aLwaswasnadndLeLgeigsliasltaiotino"n"anadnd"L"Lababoouur rUUnnioionnss""ththaatt,,aalltthhoouugghh tthheeyy aarree lleedd bbyytthhee UUnniitteeddSSttaatteessffoorrtthheeootthheerrccoouunnttrriieess,,hhaavveellii...