The Alberta Labour Relations Board dismissed a duty of fair representation complaint at the documentary review stage, as is typically the case. What makes this decision somewhat interesting is the fact that the Board considered whether the union failing to properly investigate and advise the complainan...
the NI case, illustrates an important point, which I term here as ‘exhausted national possibilities’ whereby a major impetus is created for the search for cross-border partners and a need is prompted for initiating closer working relations. Seemingly, by the close of the twentieth Century, the...
Sanford M. Jacoby,The Embedded Corporation: Corporate Governance and Employment Relations in Japan and the United States(Princeton, Princeton University Press 2004). Google Scholar Granovetter (1985), loc. cit. n. 1, at p. 501: ‘When many employees have long tenures, the conditions are met ...
NLINC = Binary variable for Non-Labour Income = 1, if the household or member of the household gets any income from other sources other than labour, e.g., pension, disability grants, remittances or childcare grant, 0 otherwise. LOC = Binary variable for location = 1, if in urban area,...
The most important purposes of Slovakian universities are research and education. The main goal of university education is to prepare highly skilled graduates to be employed in the labour market either at home or abroad. To achieve this goal, universitie