Main articles: History of the Labour Party (UK) and History of the socialist movement in the United Kingdom【主要条目:英国工党历史 和 英国社会主义运动历史】 主条目:英国工党党史 1.1 从起源到19世纪90年代 | Origins to 1890s 此图片属于公共领域 图片题注:Keir Hardie, (1856–1915), first leader...
Bocock Jean,Taylor, Richard.The Labour Party and Higher Education: 1945-51. Higher Education Quarterly . 2003Bocock Jean,Taylor, Richard.The Labour Party and Higher Education: 1945-51.Higher Education Quarterly. 2003Bocock J, Taylor R (2003) The Labour Party and higher education: 1945–51. ...
This is followed by a discussion of the constitutive elements of the Blair government’s foreign policies in light of the Labour party’s tradition of liberal internationalism. Put another way, it asks what was new about ‘new’ Labour’s foreign policies? Not surprisingly, I suggest that ...
The Conservative Party and The Labour Party: Educational Welfare Policies ---the comprehensive education system The outbreak of the World War II had changed the traditional outlook on the elitism of secondary education. People had an urgent demand for the equality of educational opportunity and the ...
The U.K.'s Labour party, the main opposition party in Britain, plans to hike taxes levied on banks to pay for more free childcare in a move it hopes will help it win a general election in the country in 2015.
Labour is the Party of strong defence. Twenty years ago if someone in the Labour Party had said that, it would have seemed hardly credible. But today, such a statement barely makes a ripple. To explain why, it is important to understand what Labour has achieved and what we promise for ...
The U.K.'s Labour party is set to take over from the Conservatives after 14 years, at a time when economic uncertainty is still rife in the country. The two main political parties ran on different economic and financial manifestos during the election campaign that would likely have different...
This is an historic moment: the Labour Party is the first major political party to have drawn up a Neurodiversity Manifesto; and also the first to directly consult neurodivergent people and organisations in order to set its policies. With your help, the Labour Party could be the first political...
the party moved away from socialist positions and adopted free market policies, leading many observers to describe the Labour Party as Social Democratic or Third Way, rather than democratic socialist.[7] Party electoral manifestos have not contained the term socialism since 1992, when the original ...
By the Leader of the Labour Party Every election is a time of decision. But this General Election on June 11 faces the British people with choices more sharp than at any time in the past fifty years. The choices are between Labour's programme of work for people and Tory policies of wast...