一、谁需要做劳工市场影响评估? 想要招聘外籍劳工或技术工人的加拿大公司或雇主,在为外籍工人申请工作许可证之前,需要进行劳工市场影响评估(Labour Market Impact Assessment,LMIA)的申请。LMIA是加拿大就业和社会发展部(ESDC,简称为劳工部)颁发的文件,授权雇主雇佣临时工人。 二、对想移民加拿大的外籍人士(包括中国国内申...
Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), 又称“ 加拿大劳工批文 ”。是雇主为雇佣涉外劳工向加拿大政府申请的批文。劳工批文审理通过后申请人可凭借此批文申请工作签证或永久居民身份。 自2024年9月26日起,加拿大LMIA新政正式生效(通过劳动力市场影响评估雇用临时外国工人 - Canada.ca) ...
How we assist you with the labour market impact assessment application The Law Office ofMatthew Jefferyis a Toronto-based immigration law office. We have been assisting employers and potential employees have successful LMIAs applications. Below is how we will assist you. We will assist you to a...
为了保护加拿大本地人的就业机会,在雇主在雇佣外国工人之前,通常需要申请劳工市场影响评估LMIA,以证明没有本地人能胜任该工作岗位。 LMIA有两种类别,一种政府免费办理,批准后可以支持申请人的移民申请,在快速通道中加50分(一般职业)或200分(高级管理类职业)。另
加拿大雇主在申请劳动力市场影响评估报告(Labour Market Impact Assessment, LMIA)时,公司需要满足以下要求: 1.合法经营:雇主必须在加拿大合法注册与运营公司。这意味着公司必须持有有效的商业执照,并符合所有适用的省级与联邦法律法规。 2. 财务状况良好:雇主需要提供公司财务报表或其他财务文件,以证明公司具有支付外籍工人...
Applying for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)Looking to find employees to fill Alberta jobs? Find out how to apply for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to bring temporary foreign workers to Canada.Open Text Web Site Management...
After obtaining a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), the next step is to apply for a Canadian work permit, using the LMIA to support your application. This must be done before you can start working in Canada. For immigration, employment, and settlement updates, make sure to register a...
• LABOUR MARKET IMPACT ASSESSMENT (LMIA) The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) allows a Canadian employer to hire temporary foreign workers to fill labour and skill shortages. An employer will need to apply for an LMIA before they are allowed to hire a temporary foreign worker. ...
A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document issued by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) assessing the impact of hiring a foreign national in Canada. A positive LMIA indicates that there is no Canadian citizen or permanent resident to fill a position, therefore enabling ...
Taking matching into account is thus almost always unavoidable when assessing labour market substitution. Labour market dynamics can have an impact on the assessment of labour substitutability Labour markets are dynamic, that is, they change over time, and this affects how substitutability in...