For, while the Tory manifesto was as silent on the idea as those of the Liberal Democrats and Ed Miliband’s pathetically timid Labour –of six references to ‘enforcement’ in the Tory manifesto, five are to enforcement of immigration law, and one is to “tackling aggressive parking enforceme...
Labour’s manifesto commitment Prior to its entry into Government, Labour committed in its manifesto to the promotion of economic growth for the benefit of all UK businesses, but acknowledged the unique challenges faced by small business, entrepreneurs and the self-employed. These entities were...
We need to eradicate ALL the unlawful laws they have put into effect over the last 40 years, and start again with a TRUE democracy, one based on freedom and equality before the law. Joyce Any new law not in the manifesto prior to election, and subsequently brought in under the radar, ...
Which is presumably why the issue was not even mentioned in Labour’s election manifesto. And now, having upset pensioners and many Labour MPs by cancelling this year’s winter fuel allowance, and the farming community over inheritance tax, the Government has, in the reported words of yet anot...
Labour's policy offirm and fair immigration controlwill ensure that the law does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour or sex. A Better Deal for Consumers When people make a purchase, they often feel they are treated unfairly, or even cheated. Labour's Charter for Consumers will pr...
It continues the work of the Labour Party Autism/Neurodiversity Manifesto Steering Group, which formed in 2016 with the support of John McDonnell MP for the purpose of drafting a Manifesto on this issue for the Labour Party. For more than two years, the Steering Group consulted widely on the...
These recommendations became the basis of Labour’s health policy in their 2020 election manifesto: “A central focus of a returned Labour Government will be the roll out of our plan to improve the public health system to deliver high quality services, fewer DHBs, an increased focus on equity...
EMPLOYMENTThe Human Rights Act 1998 implements the Government's manifesto commitment to incorporate the European Convention on Human Rights into domestic law. Because of the radical manner of implementation, it is widely believed that the implications of the Act will be far-reaching, and that no ...
(2023). The European Consortium of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ manifesto for the reform of undergraduate education in Europe. In I. Jung & K. H. Mok (Eds.), The reinvention of liberal learning around the globe (pp. 179–193). Springer Nature Singapore.
“The proximate cause of defeat was not complicated or hard to see, but simple and in plain sight. We put forward a leader and a manifesto that voters thought unacceptable to such a degree that many were repelled. Too extreme economically. Anti-western. Lacking in patriotism. And therefore ...