[online, modified on 30 05 2021] https://www.international.gc.ca/education/report-rapport/strategy-strategie-2014/index.aspx?lang=eng Government of Canada. (2020). Removing barriers for international students working in essential services to fight COVID-19 [online, modified on 22 04 2020] ...
(2019a). The remaining exogenous predictors are measured at the country level and consist of: internal rates of return on capital, indirect taxes as percent of GDP, human capital, intellectual and physical property protection index, product-market regulation index, trade union density and strict...
DEVELOPING countriesLABORFOREIGN investmentsThe current study investigates the trends in labour productivity of the major developing and developed economies of the Asia鈥怭acific region and examines its determinants over the period 1980鈥4. The study analyses capital deepening, human capital, technology, ...
We do so by exploiting the French DADS salari´es database from 2009 to 2019. We then define local labour markets as the intersection between the gender-specific commuting zones and occupations, and compute the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) by local labour market. Because of their smaller ...
Version1.0.0 Description Allows the user to map multilingual free-text of occupations to a broad range of standardized classifications.The package facilitates automatic occupation coding (see,e.g.,Gweon et al.(2017)<doi:10.1515/jos-2017-0006>and Turrell et al.(2019) <doi:10.3386/w...
HHI_Rank The yearly quartile rank of the inverse value of the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI). HHI is calculated by summing the squared market shares of companies within each industry, where market share is determined by a company's sales relative to total industry sales for the same year....
From this first question, we assign a score to each item from one to four and calculate the average of the five components to build an index. The second question ("Over the past week, have any of the following events hap- pened to you?") investigates the negative events that occurred ...
Table 14. Moran Index,2010–2019. YearAIHighMidLow Moran's IPMoran's IPMoran's IPMoran's IP 2010 0.051*** 0.005 0.074*** 0.000 0.106*** 0.000 0.099*** 0.000 2011 0.053*** 0.004 0.072*** 0.000 0.063*** 0.003 0.082*** 0.000 2012 0.054*** 0.004 0.080*** 0.000 0.065*** 0.002...
(3) project the likelihood of wheat self-sufficiency in the KRB. For the development of crop dominance maps, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) signatures were used in this study; for the crop area simulations, the dynamics of land system (DLS) model was coupled with the ...