Key View Macroeconomic data released in the week commencing September 9 support our overarching outlook for the UK economy. Labor market data indicate a continued softening; however, some inconsistencies, likely due to quality issues in the Labour Force Survey, introduce a degree of uncertai...
本数据集为英国劳动力调查(Labor Force Survey, 以下简称LFS)2017年第二季度数据。源数据页面见:这里LFS调查分两大板块,第一板块为基础问题,包括被访者的个人基本信息、家庭结构、家人状况等,第二板块又分为教育、健康、经济活动等几个主题,问卷问题涉及面广而深,包括工作时长、所处行业、收入等问题,非常适用于...
Labour force surveyOfficial Statistics of Finland (OSF)
英国劳动力调查(Labor Force Survey)2017年第二季度数据,包括工作时长、所处行业、收入等问题,适用于劳动力、人口相关的分析研究 分享在线分析 概述 数据文档 1. 背景描述 本数据集为英国劳动力调查(Labor Force Survey, 以下简称LFS)2017年第二季度数据。源数据页面见:这里 ...
20232022 Unemployment rate (LFS)3.4%3.5% Male unemployment rate (LFS)3.3%3.1% Female unemployment rate (LFS)3.5%3.9% Unemployment rate less than 25 years7.8%7.3% Unemployment male less than 25 years8.2%6.7% Unemployment rate female less than 25 years7.4%8.0% ...
labour force survey 【经】 劳动力调查 labour force n. 劳动力 average labour force 平均劳动力 peak labour force 高峰劳动力 total labour force 【经】 劳动力总数 employed labour force 就业劳动力 civilian labour force 民用劳动力 labour force participation rate 【经】 劳动力参加率, 出勤率...
The article investigates the use of longitudinal datasets from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as a tool for assessing the UK labour market. The main points are: LFS respondents are interviewed for five consecutive quarters. Therefore longitudinal datasets can be produced which link respondents over ...
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey (LFS) 自从被加拿大统计局的劳工调查部门抽选中了问卷调查对象,家里就开始收到各种五花八门方式寄来的信件,还有每次耗时至少半小时的电话,回答以前问的相同问题。[dog...
访问赞比亚的Labour Force Survey: Unemployment: by Gender and Province的数据和研究。探索有关195个国家/地区的经济指标的专家预测和历史数据。
Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) About: Considering the importance of availability of labour force data at more frequent time intervals, National Statistical Office (NSO) launched Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) in April 2017. Objectives: The objective of PLFS is primarily twofold: To estim...