Notes For example, in speech at ILO, 50th Session (1970), he said memorably that: ‘…Economic development is no doubt necessary, but it is not the end in itself. There should be an absolute assurance that social justice is built into it. At no time in the history of international ...
Notes: Standard errors, clustered by individual, in parentheses. Measures are defined as follows. Attitude: ‘Work hard’:“I work as hard as I can in school”. ‘Worth it’:“School work is worth doing”. ‘Work waste’:“The work I do in lessons is a waste of time” (recoded). ...
Addison, J.T., Texeira, P.: The economics of employment protection. J. Lab. Res. 24(1), 85–128 (2003) Article Google Scholar Allard, G., Lindert, P.: Euro-productivity and euro-jobs since the 1960s: which institutions really mattered? In: The new comparative economic history: ess...
The EC Market Definition Notice notes that a quantitative application of the SSNDQ comes with difficulties, in particular, in relation to the quantification of quality. This would also apply to labour markets, as quantifying non-pecuniary benefits of a job is inherently difficult. ...
Download PDF Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Methods Research findings Discussion: the integral role of statistics in the AI-driven industrial revolution Data availability Notes References Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary information Rights and permissions ...
Notes: Pop 25–64: corresponds to all non-migrant males (indigenous and non-indigenous). ** P< 0.001, * P< 0.05, + P< 0.1 Agro Share: share of the population working in the agricultural sector. Average School: average years of schooling. In a further tightening of the matching estimato...
Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (LNE, volume 639) 20k Accesses 8 Citations 1 Altmetric This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. About this book This book investigates models of spatial and dynamic ...
12 There are two additional notes here. First, in the US the fraction of single mothers is about 5 points higher than in the Scandinavian countries. However, since the employment rate of single mothers is only 4 percentage points lower than that of married mothers, this can only partially ac...
Recovering model’s parameters Empirical results More search intensity and higher wages Conclusions Data availability Notes References Acknowledgements Funding Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Appendices Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementDiscover...
In this work we solve in a closed form the problem of an agent who wants to optimise the inter-temporal recursive utility of both his consumption and leisu