Labour Department - YETP INTERNAL PAGES 1 勞工處 - 僱員權益及福利 尼泊爾文 न प ल. 尼泊爾文 न प ल. 註 如需參閱有關法定最低工資水平為每小時30元 (適用於2013年5月1日至2015年4月30日) 的刊物,包括 法定最低工資簡明...
DepartmentBergemannDepartmentReginaDepartmentT.DepartmentRiphahnDepartmentApplied economics lettersBergemann, A.; Riphahn, R.T. (2011a). Female labour supply and parental leave benefits - the causal effect of paying higher transfers for a shorter period of time. Applied Economics Letters 18, pp. 17-...
2 National Institute of Health Research Surgical Reconstruction and Microbiology Research Centre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TH, UK. 3 Department of Infection and Immunity, University of Sheffield, Medical School, Beech Hill Road, Sheffield S10 2RX, UK. 4 Bateson Centre, ...
If the settlement has not been reached, the department must refer the matter to the court with a memo, with all the details of the dispute within a fortnight from the date of application. The Court will fix a hearing within three days, summoning both parties of the dispute as well as a...
Fogli, A., & Veldkamp, L. (2007). Nature or nurture? Learning and female labor force dynamics. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Research Department Staff Report 386. Retrieved from Fortin, N. M. (2005). Gender role attitudes and the labour-market outcomes of women across OECD countries...
Working Paper 2/2009 of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela), Research Department. Hank, K., & Kreyenfeld, M. (2003). A multilevel analysis of child care and women's fertility decisions in Western Germany. Journal of Marriage and Family, 65, 584–596. Henninger, A., Wim...
Head of Christian Aid Scotland, Karen Bowman, Director of Procurement at University of Edinburgh and Mei-Ling McNamara, a PhD Student in School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures at University of Edinburgh. Chairing was Michelle Brown from the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability...
Social insects owe their widespread success to their ability to efficiently coordinate behaviour to carry out complex tasks. Several leaf-cutter ant species employ an advanced type of division of labour known as task partitioning, where the task of retri
2. Institutional background 2.1. Employment of children in England Children in England are allowed to take paid part-time work from age 13 (Department for Children, Schools and Families - DCSF, 2009). There is no national minimum wage for children aged 16 or below. Next Steps data shows ...
Department of Management and Economics, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal Victor Ferreira Moutinho Research Centre in Business Sciences (NECE-UBI), Economics & Finance, Covilhã, Portugal Victor Ferreira Moutinho CETRAD - Research Center for Transdisciplinary Development Studies – Universi...