History of Labour Day in Queensland In Queensland, the first Labour Day celebration took place in Brisbane on 16 March 1861 and was essentially a celebration by a small number of skilled building workers who had recently achieved an eight-hour working day. ...
Throughout the nation, Labour Day is an occasion for unions, community groups and the general public to join in celebration. In Queensland’s capital city of Brisbane there are marches are held on or around Labour Day. They are often led by the state’s key political leaders and influential...
This freed-up labour (on average 40% or over 3 h per day) was re-allocated to improve crop management such as fertilizing and weeding, and to develop and expand other crops (e.g. chillies, maize) that in turn resulted in improved income. These labour savings also enabled some ...
Map created by the Spatial Data Analysis Network (SPAN), Charles Sturt University 2023. Table 1. Baseline and forecast environmental conditions on an average day in January (summer) at 3 pm with low wind (0.5 m/s) across the study locations. 2.2. Predicted Heat Strain Thermophysiological ...