The Supreme Court ruling of 17th of July 2015 has culminated in over 30 000 new cases ofunemployment in Zimbabwe as at the end of September 2015. This has since created poor and irreconcilablelabour relations in the country particularly among employers and employees....
Part 1. Scale and manifestations of modern slavery Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage Abuse of compulsory prison labour Compulsory labour in prison can be imposed only on prisoners who meet certain conditions: they must be convicted of a crime in a court of ...
THE National Employment Council for the Commercial Sectors of Zimbabwe (NECCSZ) has challenged at the High Court a decision by Labour minister Paul Mavima to appoint two administrators on their board. In the court application, the NECCSZ has cited Mavima
ITS WAY OVERDUE,where are the lawyers to make this happen,surely they are not all lefties & people with heaps of money to help pay for this.WHY was jacinda not taken to the overseas court before.Come on lawyers protect your children & grand children FINALLY ACT. Cindy It is patently obvi...
Act, which created the Commonwealth Court of Reconciliation and Arbitration. Under the terms of the act, if a dispute cannot be solved bycollective bargainingor conciliation, then either the employer or thetrade unionconcerned can take the dispute to the relevant court for a judicial decision that...