Labour Bureau, Government of IndiaData, StatisticalConsumer, Allindia AverageWorkers, IndustrialAll, MonthlyWorkers, IndustrialPrice, ConsumerFor, Index
A JSON version of the 2018 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system published by the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. All categorisations (broad, major, minor, and detailed) are included in the JSON.
Labour Bureau (various years), Indian Labour Statistics, Government of India. Lakshmanasamy, T. and S. Madheswaran(1995), “Discrimination by community: Evidence from Indian scientific and technical labour market”, Indian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 59–77. Google Schola...
the facilities forTRAININGand retraining workers provided by firms and the government, and upon the transferability of workers' occupationalPENSIONS. Geographical mobility (the movement of workers between areas) depends upon, for example, the availability and cost of housing, relocation costs and social...
The “traditional view” on the historical decline of child labour has emphasised the role of the approval of effective child labour (minimum wor
4.1.1 India According to the World Bank, women constitute 48.1 % of the total population in India but account for only 20.3 % of the total labour force. India has experienced high economic growth since liberalisation in the 1990s, but female labour force participation has been consisten...
Sources: (World Bank, 2012), (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012). Fig. 1a contrasts changes in nominal grain prices and prices deflated by the US CPI. The former demonstrates more about the effects of inflation on the value of money than about food prices faced by consumers, the latter is...
Labour issues form a critical element in our national development perspective. Efforts of labour constitute a major input in the process of economic development. The workforce participation rate in the population, and its composition, provide a significa$FILE/EY-Reaping-Indias-promised-demographic-dividend-industry-in-driving-seat.pd. 2. For details see Sianesi and Van Reenen (2002), Harmon...
The figures bear this out. In the spring, 84 per cent of 16-19 year olds were enrolled in high schools and colleges, compared with 74 per cent for the same group two decades ago. Joseph Meisenheimer at the Bureau of Labour Statistics crunched numbers on a “no school” month, July, an...