Based on these aspects and the severity of the syndrome under study, articles are required to determine the importance of the laboratory tests used for the diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome in pregnant women.Giraldo Calderón, Luisa Fernanda...
How many weeks pregnant is a women when she first finds out she is pregnant? 4 weeks pregnant Naegele's Rule for getting an estimated due date 1. Add 7 days to LMP day 1 date 2. subtract 3 months from that date 3. Add 1 year ...
Nigro G, Anceschi MM, Cosmi EV. The Congenital Cytomegalic Disease Collaborating Group. Clinical manifestations and abnormal laboratory findings in pregnant women with primary cytomegalovirus infection. BJOG. 2003; 110 :572–577. doi: 10.1046/j.1471-0528.2003.01302.x. [ Cross Ref ]...
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The dermatologic examination of the pregnant woman with abnormal cervical cytology can be a challenge to the clinician. This article explores both the laboratory and clinical examinations and the special issues of each that are affected by pregnancy. The technique of obtaining an adequate Pap test as...
The present study was designed to test the efficiency of different diagnostic methods in detecting HbCS. The following laboratory tests were applied to blood samples from 1000 pregnant women attending an antenatal clinic at Buddhachinaraj Hospital in Phitsanulok, Thailand: mutation specific restriction ...
and technologies for the nontechnical reader, but also provide comprehensive details for laboratory professionals. The comprehensive appendix that compiles published normal reference ranges by first, second, and third trimester constitutes an excellent resource for professionals caring for pregnant women. ...
PistoiaBACKGROUND-AIMThe TORCH complex is a panel of blood tests for detecting the presence of specific antibodies (Ab), IgM (M) and IgG(G), directed against certain infections: Toxoplasma (Tox), Rubella (Rub), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Herpes and otherswhich, in pregnant women, can cause ser...
Murray, PhD BD Diagnostics Sparks, Maryland, USA Kerry Snow, MS, MT(ASCP) FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Silver Spring, Maryland, USA Fred C. Tenover, PhD, D(ABMM) Cepheid Sunnyvale, California, USA John D. Turnidge, MD SA Pathology at Women's and Children's Hospital ...
Pregnant women Advertisement 3. Criteria’s for HIV testing There are ample of tests which can detect HIV starting from the point of care testing to confirmatory test. The test algorithm to be followed has been released by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and Association of Public Health ...