Medical Microbiology. A Guide to the Laboratory Diagnosis and Control of Infection 12th ed. Volume 1. Microbial InfectionsIncluye bibliografíadoi:10.1136/jcp.27.5.433-bStokesE. J.BMJ GroupJournal of Clinical Pathology
In the UK, people are treated for UTIs more than any other infection. It takes about three days for doctors to receive the results from traditional microbiology testing. They then prescribe anantibioticto treat the infection. But about half of “infection-causing bacteria are resistant to at lea...
1. a place equipped to conduct scientific experiments or tests or to manufacture chemicals, medicines, or the like. 2. any place, situation, set of conditions, or the like, conducive to experimentation, investigation, and observation. adj. 3. relating to techniques of work in a laborator...
She did her first postdoctoral research in the Microbiology Department at Mount Sinai. During the pandemic, she was involved in studying innate and adaptive immune responses in different in vitro models, focusing on vaccine candidates for Covid-19 and influenza. A resident of Manhattan, Sanchez Mar...
However, the activity of microorganisms in undisturbed Opalinus Clay is limited by the very low porosity, the low water activity, and the largely recalcitrant nature of organic matter in the claystone formation. The presence of microorganisms in numerous experiments at the Mont Terri rock laboratory ...